Sunday, June 11, 2017

Why Do I Need a Reverse Osmosis System

Why Do I Need a Reverse Osmosis System

This question is often times asked in general conversation when discussing water.  It usually starts with a water softener question then moves on to the reverse osmosis system and what it does and why it is necessary.  Many people just feel free to drink the water that comes from the faucet with no regard to what is in their water.  Then when you begin to tell them they act as if they don't care.  However, if we thought about our children and how the things in the water can affect them, then we may pay more attention to what is said about what is in our water.  None of us want what happened to the children in Flint Michigan.  That's right they had lead in the water and the kids were getting sick, that is a terrible thing to happen to children.  If the homeowners had a reverse osmosis system then this never would have happened to the children.

Where Your Drinking Water Comes From

Many people are really not aware of where the water they drink actually comes from.  If you were to ask someone they may say from my faucet, or I have never really given it any thought.  Here are the two places most drinking water comes from, Ground Water and Surface Water both of which have contaminants in them that one would never think of getting into their water.  If you tend to follow this blog you will be shocked to find out where chemicals and contaminants get into your water and what kinds are in your or could be in your drinking water.  For a video click here

Whats In Your Drinking Water

Let's just start with something that no one really thinks about getting into their surface water (Lakes, streams and rivers) and ground water (Water Wells) where we get our drinking water from. We all enjoy a fireworks show each 4th of July by going to the local lake and watch the fireworks show that the county may put on for the local residents and we in turn like to get the family together and shoot some of our own fireworks and we never give thought to how they may affect our drinking water.  Fireworks you say, yes fireworks, take a look at this article and you may never watch them again.  Perchlorate is both a naturally occurring and man-made chemical used in the production of rocket fuel, missiles, fireworks, flares and explosives. It is also sometimes present in bleach and in some fertilizers. Its widespread release into the environment is primarily associated with defense contracting, military operations and aerospace programs.  Read more here-

What You Should Do Now

Now that you have been made aware of only one thing that is in your drinking water hopefully you'll consider purchasing a reverse osmosis system.  A link is provided for you to get one that is considered the best reverse osmosis system on the market-Click Here  You can find out here what is taken from your water to ensure you have save water to drink for your family, children and pets HERE  For replacement filters click HERE
The Best Reverse Osmosis System

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