Sunday, August 13, 2017

Why You Should Have A Reverse Osmosis System

Why You Should Have A Reverse Osmosis System

The other day I was called out to San Antonio Texas for a problem with a booster pump leaking so I went out to take a look and saw the reason the pump was leaking.  What I found was that the pump had gotten hot trying to build pressure and made the PVC pipe shrink and swell that it began leaking where it screwed into the brass check valve.  So I fixed the leak and investigated further to see why the pump was getting hot while trying to build pressure.

Booster Pump Getting Hot

In order for a booster pump to work effectively it needs a great supply of water to draw from and a good pressure tank to build pressure in.  If you have a bad pressure tank then the pump cannot effectively build pressure and it will constantly run and get hotter than normal.  The other thing to note is if it does not have enough water supply to draw from then it will not be able to build pressure to either fill the pressure tank or to provide enough pressure to the house or even run the sprinklers.  So after further investigation I found that the water feeding the booster pump from the storage tank or cistern as some people call it did not have sufficient enough flow in order to correctly fill the booster pump on the suction side and allow the pump to run efficiently.  Now we found the problem and next we needed to find a solution.  So the first thing we did was check to see if there was water in the storage tank.  When I climbed up and looked inside you'll never guess what I found.  Why you need a reverse osmosis system


What's In Your Water

You know that credit card commercial that asks that question, "What's in your wallet?"  Well the difference in this case is not going to be as wonderful as the commercial.  As I opened the lid and looked inside the storage tank I found and interesting object floating on top of the water.  It took me a minute to figure out what I was looking at however I did figure it out and then removed the object.  Here is a picture of what I saw, see if you can figure out what you are looking at. 
Now the first image is a body part with the little leg and paw hanging down in the water. 
The second image is as it appears, it is the skull of a squirrel.  It got into a small hole in the top of the tank that was covered with a brick but a tree branch had moved it over time from the wind.  So the squirrel ended up inside the tank and was decomposing.  As I lifted the body part out the leg fell off and sank to the bottom of the tank and as I brought the rest of the body out you were able to smell it, and I will leave it at that.  So I asked the customer if they drank the water and they said yes.  So we put a large amount of chlorine in the tank to disinfect it.

The Rest of The Booster Pump Story

So in order to allow the booster pump to pressure up correctly we took the pipe off the suction side and blew air back into the storage tank and dislodged the object that was impeding the flow of water from the storage tank and into the booster pump.  After we blew air through the lines we checked the flow again and it filled the pipe like it should and the problem went away and we had another satisfied customer.

Notice the amount of water before and after that
is coming out of the pipe

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

A Reason To Buy A Reverse Osmosis System

Boiled Water Report

You may or may not have gotten a boiled water report in the mail or on your door like many other Americans have.  When you get one you really may not know what to do or if you had been watching the news you would have seen what happened in Flint Michigan.  The difference being is that lead in drinking water is not the same as a boiled water report.  A boiled water report means that the water has not been disinfected correctly if at all and the water treatment center is telling you that they are aware of the situation and that they are on top of it but for the moment please don't drink your tap water without boiling it first.  For a video click here

Is My Water Safe To Drink

This is a question that is asked more and more in today's society with all the problems we are having with our water and the contaminants in the water.  Once you have gotten a boiled water report you may begin to panic and go over in you head what it was that you had done in the past couple of days when it comes to consuming tap water, who drank it and have there been any indications that someone in the house was sick or becoming that way.  The good thing is that the water treatment department had found the problem but the bigger question is how long did it go without disinfection?  How much water was consumed in the household by children and pets?  How sick can they get from the non-disinfected water?

What's The Answer

We all love our children and pets not to mention our family and friends but the bottom line is how do we help ourselves and others when it comes to safe drinking water.  The simple answer is get a Reverse Osmosis System.  A reverse osmosis system is a water purification system that goes under your sink and has its very own handle which will supply water to your glass or pot for drinking and cooking.  You can even connect it to your refrigerator so you have purified water at your fridge too.
The reason you want a reverse osmosis system is so that you do not have to worry about lead in your water since this system will remove and or reduce the amount of lead and it will stop fluoride and other contaminants in your drinking water so you can feel safe when you serve your family friends and pets water from the R/O.  If you have a reverse osmosis system (R/O) then you we be comforted in knowing though the tap water was not disinfected at least your water was purified when you drank it from your own under sink system.  So if you are serious about your family's health then gather information and buy yourself one and know that your have done your part in keeping your family and pets safe from potential health problems.  Order one HERE
Reverse Osmosis System
The Best Reverse Osmosis System


Sunday, July 2, 2017

Where Does My Drinking Water Come From

Where Does My Drinking Water Come From

Many people are not aware of where exactly their water comes from other than the faucet.  In fact it comes from either of one or two sources.  The first one is surface water and the other is ground water.  Each source of water brings its potential for problems and reasons why you should buy a reverse osmosis system.  Each source of water has contaminants in it that has the potential to harm either family members, children and even pets.  We can even take a look at the most recent example of lead in the drinking water in Flint Michigan.  This was a horrible thing that occurred to children and the residents there and it can be happening any where in the United States at this very moment because we do not live in a perfect world but you can do your part in protecting your family by getting a reverse osmosis system.

Surface Drinking Water

Let's talk about surface water used for drinking and some things to consider.  Firstly it usually comes from lakes rivers or streams and as we know from past U.S. history that our lakes rivers and streams have had been polluted at various levels and still have forms of chemical radiological and other forms of pollution going into them.  The water is collected and treated with usually chlorine which is a caustic oxidizer and continues in the water in order to kill bacteria but one thing it does not do is remove chemicals and other contaminants in the water and as far as our bodies go chlorine is a contaminant and a harmful one at that.  Though the EPA is trying relentlessly to keep the contaminants out of our water systems it cannot police every industrial or commercial entity in our nation.  It has made laws but as you know we do not live in a perfect world and there will always be people who want to take short cuts and not abide by the rules no matter the consequence.  For this reason alone is why you should buy a reverse osmosis system HERE.

Ground Drinking Water

The next form of drinking water is from the ground typically known as a water well.  The water is brought to the surface by submersible pumps, turbines and other forms it is then treated for bacteria with chlorine and then sent into the distribution system.  Once again we can see that chlorine is being introduced into our drinking water and you can find other disinfectants here in order to see that there are just more than chlorine being used.  There are also other contaminants that can be found in the ground water that chlorine will not remove and that is why it is so important to have a reverse osmosis system.  Here is an example of why you should have a reverse osmosis system not just because of the Flint Michigan lead in the water problem but what has now been found in the ground water is called perchlorate.  The EPA is working on establishing MCL maximum contaminant levels for this contaminant found in the ground water.  Whole House Chlorine Removal System Here

The Good News

The good news is that we have many types of agencies in the United States and around the world to help preserve and keep safe our drinking water which is really our most precious resource.  Billions of dollars are spent each year doing research and finding ways to make our drinking water safe and plentiful.  Though our planet is ever increasing with people these agencies are doing their very best to give us the very best in our most precious resource.  Until we live in a perfect world it is a great idea to buy a reverse osmosis system to help keep your drinking water safe for your family in case something falls through the cracks and affects your family and pets.

Reverse Osmosis System
The Best Reverse Osmosis System


Sunday, June 11, 2017

Why Do I Need a Reverse Osmosis System

Why Do I Need a Reverse Osmosis System

This question is often times asked in general conversation when discussing water.  It usually starts with a water softener question then moves on to the reverse osmosis system and what it does and why it is necessary.  Many people just feel free to drink the water that comes from the faucet with no regard to what is in their water.  Then when you begin to tell them they act as if they don't care.  However, if we thought about our children and how the things in the water can affect them, then we may pay more attention to what is said about what is in our water.  None of us want what happened to the children in Flint Michigan.  That's right they had lead in the water and the kids were getting sick, that is a terrible thing to happen to children.  If the homeowners had a reverse osmosis system then this never would have happened to the children.

Where Your Drinking Water Comes From

Many people are really not aware of where the water they drink actually comes from.  If you were to ask someone they may say from my faucet, or I have never really given it any thought.  Here are the two places most drinking water comes from, Ground Water and Surface Water both of which have contaminants in them that one would never think of getting into their water.  If you tend to follow this blog you will be shocked to find out where chemicals and contaminants get into your water and what kinds are in your or could be in your drinking water.  For a video click here

Whats In Your Drinking Water

Let's just start with something that no one really thinks about getting into their surface water (Lakes, streams and rivers) and ground water (Water Wells) where we get our drinking water from. We all enjoy a fireworks show each 4th of July by going to the local lake and watch the fireworks show that the county may put on for the local residents and we in turn like to get the family together and shoot some of our own fireworks and we never give thought to how they may affect our drinking water.  Fireworks you say, yes fireworks, take a look at this article and you may never watch them again.  Perchlorate is both a naturally occurring and man-made chemical used in the production of rocket fuel, missiles, fireworks, flares and explosives. It is also sometimes present in bleach and in some fertilizers. Its widespread release into the environment is primarily associated with defense contracting, military operations and aerospace programs.  Read more here-

What You Should Do Now

Now that you have been made aware of only one thing that is in your drinking water hopefully you'll consider purchasing a reverse osmosis system.  A link is provided for you to get one that is considered the best reverse osmosis system on the market-Click Here  You can find out here what is taken from your water to ensure you have save water to drink for your family, children and pets HERE  For replacement filters click HERE
The Best Reverse Osmosis System

Monday, May 29, 2017

Why Do I Need A Reverse Osmosis System

Why Do I Need A Reverse Osmosis System

Many people ask why they need a reverse osmosis system or what are the benefits of having a Reverse Osmosis System.  I have been in the water and waste water treating business since 2005 and have discovered many reasons that one would not only want a reverse osmosis system but why one needs a reverse osmosis system.  Some things we do know is that it purifies water and makes it drinkable more so than what comes out of the tap.  We may think that the water that comes from the tap is drinkable since it meets the EPA drinking water standards or at least we hope it does.

What Does a Reverse Osmosis System Do

Let's answer the question in the subheading above.  What does a reverse osmosis system do?  It cleans and filters and purifies your water.  It removes harmful contaminants that can make one sick be it right away or over a long period of time.  These are contaminants like lead, fluoride and chlorine just to name a few.  For a more extensive list of harmful drinking water contaminants click here, 

   Reverse osmosis processes water at the molecular level. By squeezing ordinary tap water against a special membrane, pure water molecules are separated from impurities. These impurities are automatically rinsed down the drain leaving only clean great tasting water.
Nominal Rejection Rates for typical R/O units
  Aluminum...........................96-98%                                    Arsenic................................94-96%  
Bacteria...............................99+%                                       Barium................................96-98%
Cadmium.............................95-97%                                   Calcium...............................94-97%
Chlorine..............................90-95%                                    Chloride..............................90-95%
Copper................................96-98%                                    Cyanide...............................90-95%
Flouride...........................93-95%                                        Lead................................96-98%
Magnesium.....................95-98%                                        Manganese......................94-96% 
Mercury..........................95-97%                                        Nitrate............................92-95%
Phosphate........................97-98%                                       Silver...............................95-97%
Sodium............................94-98%                                       Zinc.................................96-98%
Because coffee and tea are 99% water, they are no better than the water with which they are made.
   More info here

To purchase a reverse osmosis system click HERE 

When Should I Change My R/O Filters

When Should I Change My Reverse Osmosis Filters This is a question people ask because they are either not given an indication by the inst...